Did Louis C.K. Steal A Sketch on SNL Last Week?

Saturday Night Live/youtube
I don’t know about you, but last week’s Saturday Night Live was kind of a bore fest. I don’t get the big deal about Louis C.K.
He’s not funny. Not one joke made me laugh. Why is he so popular anyway?
Now another so-called comedian is saying he stole her bit and used it on SNL. Tig Notaro says the SNL “Birthday Clown” was ripped off from her short film “Clown Service.” Both acts feature depressed main characters who order a clown to perform for them in the hopes of cheering them up.
Tig released a statement to Entertainment Weekly saying the SNL sketch was “extremely disappointing” and said she did not give Louis C.K. permission use anything from her film.
“It has been impossible for me to ignore the cacophony of voices reaching out personally and publicly about the potential plagiarizing of my film ‘Clown Service.'” Notaro’s statement said.
While we don’t agree that you should be able to steal someone else’s work, she can’t be the only person that has hired a clown. (Clowns aren’t funny either, and neither are you, Tig.)
It wasn’t funny the first time, and it is even worse the second. Do you think Louis C.K. owes Tig Notaro an apology?
Here are the 2 videos, judge for yourself.
Can’t wait for tonight’s Live in all time zones episode hosted by a REAL funny man, Jimmy Fallon. Harry Styles will be musical guest.