Yoko Ono To Get Credit For Writing ‘Imagine’

YokoOnoOfficial (Instagram)
Well this is interesting.
Even though it has been 46 years since the song was released, Variety is reporting that steps are under way to add Yoko Ono‘s name as a co-writer to her late husband’s classic song “Imagine.”
An announcement was made yesterday at the annual meeting of the National Music Publishers Association.
At the event, CEO David Israelite showed a video from 1980 in which John Lennon said that Yoko deserved credit for the song because of her inspiration and influence on it.
According to the association, it was Lennon’s wish so the process of adding her to the song has begun.
Ono accepted the honor in a wheelchair pushed by her son Sean. On Instagram he posted: “Proudest day of my life: The National Music Publishers Association just gave the centennial award to Imagine, but WAIT! Surprise! They played an audio interview of my father saying ‘Imagine should’ve been credited as a Lennon/Ono song, if it had been anyone other than my wife I would’ve given them credit.'”
Because Yoko is already is a beneficiary of Lennon’s estate, being named a songwriter won’t change any royalites paid from the song, but it will extend the life of the song’s copyright.
Songs become part of the public domain 70 years after their creators die. Lennon was shot to death outside of his New York apartment in 1980.
Check out a photo below from the event last night.