Venus Williams Responsible For Deadly Car Accident

@VenusWilliams (Instagram)
Police have determined Venus Williams is responsible for causing a car accident that took the life of a passenger in another vehicle.
TMZ reports the accident happened on June 9th in Florida when Venus’ Toyota SUV crossed in front of another car.
The driver of the second car was unable to stop in time before hitting Venus’ car.
The passenger in that second vehicle was taken to the hospital where he died two weeks later.
The police report states Venus was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and it does not look like she was distracted by her cell phone.
Venus’ attorney, Malcolm Cunningham, said in a statement, “This is an unfortunate accident and Venus expresses her deepest condolences to the family who lost a loved one.”
CNN reports the victim’s family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Venus. No word yet on if any prison time is in her future.
Currently Venus is in London practicing for the upcoming Wimbledon Tournament.