Kelly Clarkson Helps A Fan Propose After Concert


@alex_malerba (Instagram)

Alex Malerba describes himself as a Kelly Clarkson fanatic, and now he has an epic proposal with her ON VIDEO!

Check out his Instagram post featuring his proposal to boyfriend Justin Blake during a meet-and-greet with Kelly after a performance in Las Vegas earlier this week.

Alex captioned the post: “Asking the love of my life to marry me in front of the one and only @kellyclarkson was an amazing moment!!!! HE SAID YES!”

A stunned Kelly replied, “Oh my God, I’m like a part of it!”  She continued, “Congratulations! How long have y’all been together?”  When Justin says, “Four years,” she says, “Oh my God! It’s about damn time somebody did!”

We reached out to Alex to ask what his wedding song will be, he told

“We personally are both fans of her song “You Found Me” because it’s the perfect relationship song.  No matter the highs and lows when you stick with the person you love great things can happen.  But of course, ‘Tie It Up’ will be played at the wedding!”

One last question for the groom-to-be:  How long did he plan on popping the question in front of Kelly like this?   Alex replied, “I have been planning and thinking of doing it for 6 months.  We talk about it often but the moment with Kelly just felt right.”

This isn’t the first time Kelly has been tied to a couple tying the knot.  There is actually video online from December of 2016 when she had 2 people on stage get engaged as well.

Congratulations to the happy couple!  Check out the awesome pics and video below!



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Image courtesy of @alex_malerba (Instagram)