George Clooney Suing Over Leaked Photos Of Twins

@AmalClooney (Instagram)
George Clooney isn’t playing around. Just a few months after his wife Amal gave birth to his twins, the couple is taking legal action against France’s Voici Magazine.
You might have heard, the publication put an unauthorized photo of the new parents with twins, Alexander and Ella, on the cover without their consent.
George told E! Online, “Over the last week photographers from Voici magazine scaled our fence, climbed our tree and illegally took pictures of our infants inside our home. Make no mistake the photographers, the agency and the magazine will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The safety of our children demands it.”
As far as Volci is concerned, they had no choice but to take and publish the pictures. According to them, it’s in response to “public demand.” A statement from the magazine says, “People love George Clooney and have been following his life story for years now. Those pictures do not put in danger Mr. Clooney, his wife or their kids.”
Here’s the cover, you be the judge.