Barry Manilow ‘Surprised’ Since Coming Out

Barry Manilow (Facebook)
Last month Barry Manilow confirmed his longtime relationship to partner Garry Kief. Now, the music legend says he’s been genuinely surprised at how great his life has been since he came out.
Speaking to People again, Barry said, “It’s turned out to be just great. I’ve really enjoyed it, most of all because the fans and the public have been so supportive.”
Initially, he kept his sexuality a secret because he thought his fans would be disappointed, but he says in reality the opposite has happened.
“I thought, ‘Oh, man, I’m gonna get a lot of negative stuff.’ Not one negative letter, comment — anywhere,” he told People this week.
Barry continued, “Isn’t it odd? I’m just a musician who sings. And these people care about my happiness — and that’s what’s been going on. It’s been a beautiful, beautiful experience.”
Of course we care about you, Barry. After all, you do write the songs that make the whole world sing!
Watch the interview with Barry below: