Alicia Keys Honored With Amnesty Award

@AliciaKeys (Instagram)
Not only is Alicia Keys busy judging on The Voice, she has just been honored with Amnesty International’s “Ambassador of Conscience Award.”
That award celebrates people who have shown exceptional courage standing up to injustice while inspiring others by furthering the cause of human rights.
In a statement released by the organization, Alicia said, “To receive the Ambassador of Conscience award from Amnesty International is a huge honor. It is one of the most proud moments of my life. It encourages me to continue to speak out against injustice and use my platform to draw attention to the issues that matter to me.”
Throughout her career, Alicia has inspired and campaigned for change on issues including criminal justice reform, HIV/AIDS, gun violence and the refugee crisis. Her philanthropic work includes co-founding Keep a Child Alive, a non-profit organisation providing treatment and care to children and families affected by HIV in Africa and India.
She also co-founded the “We Are Here Movement” to encourage young people to mobilize for change, asking the question “Why are you here?” as a call to action. Through the movement she has sought to excite others to take action on issues that are important to her.
Congratulations, Alicia! You are a super star!
Meet @aliciakeys, our #AmbassadorofConscience 2017: human rights activist, women's rights defender & youth champion:
— Amnesty International (@amnesty) April 13, 2017