Aaron Carter Checks Into Rehab

@AaronCarter (Twitter)
After a tough couple of months, Aaron Carter is hoping to turn his life around. Things seemed to start going downhill back in May when his father passed away unexpectedly. Since then, he has gotten arrested for DUI in Georgia, broken up with his girlfriend, broke down on stage and came out as bisexual.
Police in Florida were called to his home yesterday for a welfare check. He was reportedly not himself and slurring his words.
Steve Honig, Aaron’s representative told People that he “has decided to enter a facility to improve his health and work on his overall wellness.” Aaron plans to do this privately and focus on being the best person and performer he can be. “He is grateful for the support and love from his fans and looks forward to coming back stronger than ever before.”
No further information about what he will be treated for was released. His last tweet after the news broke was “Only I can change my life, No one can do it for me.” and he also mentioned taking a break from social media. “Talk to y’all in 2018.”
Good luck, Aaron – we are hoping you can take care of yourself!
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
— AARON CARTER (@aaroncarter) September 22, 2017