Simon Cowell Producing Song For London Fire Victims


@JustSimonCowell (Instagram)

The death toll at the Grenfell Tower in London continues to rise.  At last check, 30 people have now perished, and that number is expected to rise still.

Earlier in the week Adele and her husband were there to offer support, and now another big name is stepping up to help.

Simon Cowell posted on Twitter he will produce a song that will raise money for people affected by this tragedy.  He hopes to confirm a record today.

The tower is just a few miles away from Simon’s home and he has already begun calling friends to help write and record the song.

Simon told TMZ, “I’m not going to sit here and do nothing — for me in my position to not do something would be appalling.”

Looks like Simon does have a heart after all.  Who knows, it could end up like a “We Are The World” single with a bunch of talented stars singing for charity.

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Image courtesy of @JustSimonCowell (Instagram)