Tom Hiddleston Talks About Dating Taylor Swift


Tom Hiddleston was on the Today Show this morning to promote his new movie Kong: Skull Island but Savannah Guthrie couldn’t help asking a few questions about his short-lived romance with Taylor Swift.

“Don’t kill me for asking, but, of course, it was asked about your relationship with Taylor Swift and I thought when I read it, I thought you gave really thoughtful answers,” she told him referring to his recent interview with GQ.

He replied, “I make a clear distinction between my work, which I absolutely dedicate myself to, which is for the public. I really believe in that relationship between an actor and the audience. You can’t call yourself an actor without the audience. And my private life is private.”

You might have forgotten, but Tom & Taylor dated for 3 months in the summer of 2016.

You can watch the full interview below:

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