Wendy Williams Passes Out On Live TV
@WendyWilliams (Twitter)
Wendy Williams had quite the day as she passed out on live TV yesterday. She was dressed as the Statue of Liberty during her show’s Halloween special. A few minutes into the show she began to slur her words and her eyes rolled back and she was on the ground. Producers rushed to her aid and the show immediately went to a commercial. After several minutes the show came back and Wendy said, “That was not a stunt. I overheated and I did pass out, but I’m a champ and I’m back.”
Wendy’s manager released a statement saying, “Ms. Williams fainted on-air this morning. She is dehydrated and is on her way home for a good day and night of sleep. She has been examined by medical professionals and is well. She is OK, and will continue shows as planned.”
Watch the faint below, and her response to it on Twitter below.