Tom Petty Dead At 66

@TomPetty (Twitter)
TMZ reported Tom Petty was found unconscious last night and was rushed to UCLA Medical Center not breathing and in full cardiac arrest.
EMTs rushed him to the hospital from his Malibu home where they were able to get a pulse but he was taken off life support after no brain activity was detected. He passed away a short time later.
The “Free Fallin'” singer was 66 years old. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers just finished a 53 show tour last week. Tom was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2002.
Petty leaves behind his wife of 16 years, Dana, and 2 children from his first marriage.
Thank you for all the great music over the years.
UPDATE At this time, Tom's still clinging to life. A report that the LAPD confirmed the singer's death is inaccurate
— TMZ (@TMZ) October 2, 2017