New Music From Justin Timberlake?

@JustinTimberlake (Instagram)
Can’t stop Justin Timberlake! It seems as though he is in studio recording new music, according to a post he sent out on Twitter.
“Studio Rule #1: If the artist plays their music and you are on your phone looking at social media… Chances are, you’re an A——–.”
Wow, language, Justin! But seriously, who would be on their phone in front of a star like that?
People began immediately replying to his tweet asking when we can expect a new song to drop. So far no release date has been set yet.
His (Uncensored) Twitter post is below. Come on JT.. don’t make us wait! We want you to bring sexy back ASAP.
Until then we’ll keep playing “Can’t Stop The Feeling” on repeat. It never gets old. (The video is pretty cool too!)
Studio Rule #1:
If the artist plays their music and you are on your phone looking at your social media… Chances are, you're an ASSHOLE.
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) June 8, 2017