Kid Rock Is Running For Senate

@KidRock (Twitter)
Kid Rock has confirmed he is running for a seat in the United States Senate in the state of Michigan.
You heard that right, after much speculation he confirmed the news on Twitter yesterday saying he “absolutely” is running.
Kid, whose full name is Robert James Ritchie, also posted a link to his official campaign website.
He most likely is running as a Republican, and will have support from President Donald Trump.
Kid will be going head to head with at least one democrat, incumbent Debbie Stabenow, who has held her seat since 2000.
A statement on his website reads, “Senator Stabenow and I do share a love of music, although probably not the same kind. I concede she is better at playing politics than I am so I’ll keep doing what I do best, which is being a voice for tax paying, hardworking AMERICANS and letting politicians like her know that We the People are sick and tired of their bulls**t!”
Get ready for another possible crazy election cycle “All Summer Long.” We’ll keep you posted!
I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real… The answer is an absolute YES.
— KidRock (@KidRock) July 12, 2017