Kevin Spacey Fired By Netflix, House Of Cards Ends Production

@KevinSpacey (Instagram)
Kevin Spacey is out of a job sooner than expected. After the recent allegations by Anthony Rapp, Netflix has halted production on House Of Cards and have decided to end the show after the upcoming sixth season.
Netflix said, In response to the latest revelations, “executives from both of our companies arrived in Baltimore this afternoon to meet with our cast and crew to ensure that they continue to feel safe and supported.” Kevin Spacey is not working on set at this time according to the announcement.
No premiere date for season 6 has been announced, and we may never actually see the final season.
At the time of their initial announcement, production on season six of the show was going ahead but less than 24 hours later it has been suspended indefinitely.
According to Netflix and Media Rights Capital, that’ll give them “time to review the current situation and to address any concerns of our cast and crew.”
Variety has reported producers are planning a spinoff. There are a few ideas being tossed around, including one centered on Doug Stamper, the political played by actor Michael Kelly in the first five seasons of the show.
As they say, Stay Tuned!