Jessica Simpson Trolls Whole Foods With Best Tweet Of The Week


Remember when Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were Newlyweds?  Of course you do.  And nobody will forget that day in 2003 when young Jessica didn’t know if tuna was chicken or fish:
Fast forward 14 years later and she delivered the best line out of a serious food recall at Whole Foods.

You see, the supermarket chain had to stop selling their chicken salad because it was missing one ingredient.  The chicken.  It was actually made with tuna instead.

In the hilarious Tweet, Jessica writes, “It happens to the best of us @WholeFoods”

It’s nice that Jessica can laugh and poke a little fun at herself.  Whole Foods, however, so far hasn’t replied to the tweet that has gotten almost 19,000 likes and over 5,000 retweets.  We are guessing they are a bunch of expensive organic lemons.

While we’re talking about Jessica, we couldn’t help but wish her a Happy 37th Birthday today!

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Image courtesy of @JessicaSimpson (Instagram)