James Woods Fights Back Against Twitter Threat

@RealJamesWoods (Twitter)

@RealJamesWoods (Twitter)
Actor James Woods is fearing for his life this evening after he was the focus of a series of death threats and angry tweets.
Twitter user @mattejacob is currently feeling the wrath of the internet after thousands of Woods’ fans instantly came to his defense.
You may remember Woods recently sued another online troll who accused him of using drugs. That lawsuit was later dropped.
Matthew Jacobs is reported to be a 34 year old man who began threatening the actor in the middle of the night yesterday.
The tweet in question was, “@RealJamesWoods if I see you in the street I will hit you over the head with a 2 x 4.”
Since the original tweet, Twitter has suspended his account.
Woods reacted as any normal human would, tweeting, “The fact is I am a 70 year old man who takes blood thinners for health. #MatthewEJacob threatens to bash my head in, it’s a death threat.”
Not only is Matthew Jacob most likely unstable, but Woods says, “I was told today that the danger with people like #MatthewEJacob is their threats of violence often incite persons of lesser mental capacity.”
Based on the Tweets sent by James, we assume his lawyer and police are involved. We have Tweeted James for comment, and are awaiting a reply.
For the love of God, we’ve already lost too many great actors in the last few years. We can’t afford to lose James Woods. Whether you know him from Casino, White House Down or even Family Guy we would hate to see anything happen to him. STAY SAFE, JAMES!!
See some of the crazy person’s tweets below:
You are not going to have to wait to see me in the street. Your life just changed forever. pic.twitter.com/sXE1v1jwSN
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 20, 2017
To those who thought #MatthewEJacob, who threatened to "hit me in the head with a 2×4," was some harmless 14 year old, here's who he is: pic.twitter.com/SDxs6iiehe
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 20, 2017
For the record this is one of his other threats before his account was suspended. #MatthewEJacob pic.twitter.com/iWoPjG6yBs
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 20, 2017
I have been advised to keep the light on my stalker #MatthewEJacob as a way of inhibiting his acting on his threats. Here is relevant CA law pic.twitter.com/aQHZopRzMO
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 20, 2017