Is Ed Sheeran Engaged?

@TeddysPhotos (Instagram)
Well this is a little awkward! There are rumors that Ed Sheeran might have secretly popped the question to his girlfriend Cherry Seaborn.
You might remember, Ed and Cherry met at Taylor Swift’s home in Rhode Island at a 4th of July party a few years ago.
How did the rumor get started? On the radio of course.
During an interview with Russell Crowe in Australia he said that Ed stayed at his farmhouse on several occasions while he was on tour and they became friends. He said, “He has subsequently gone back to the farm with his fiancee for more time.”
Sounds like he dropped a bombshell live on the air, but nobody asked any more info about it. So Ed, tell us… is it true?! If so, CONGRATS!
Watch the interview with Russell and the Fitzy and Wippa show below: