New Evidence Surfaces In Dorothy Kilgallen Murder Probe


It’s not every day when a 52 year old cold case is reopened, but that’s what is happening in New York this week, thanks to author Mark Shaw.

Based on new evidence uncovered in his investigation of the death of journalist and What’s My Line? star Dorothy Kilgallen in 1965.

Shaw, author of the bestselling book, The Reporter Who Knew Too Much, met with the chief investigator at the New York City District Attorney’s office assigned to her case on Friday, June 2nd.

“Since this an ongoing investigation, I cannot divulge the exact nature of what was discussed at the meeting,” Shaw said, “but I was able to provide the DA’s office with a substantial amount of new evidence relating to Dorothy’s life and times, and her untimely death on November 8, 1965.

Shaw also stated that during the interview he included several important documents and a list of witnesses, including some who have expressed fear about coming forward to offer firsthand accounts about what happened when Dorothy was found dead in her Manhattan townhouse.  At the time, her death was determined to be caused by a fatal combination of alcohol and barbiturates.

There is hope that the District Attorney’s office will act quickly to interview some of the witnesses on Shaw’s list.  Mark says, “There is a sense of urgency here.  Many of the witnesses have direct knowledge of the circumstances surrounding Dorothy’s death that point clearly to a homicide but they are up in age, some with health issues. Also, in my opinion, those expressing fear need to be assured they will be protected and thus not withhold evidence essential to learning the truth. What we are talking about here is government corruption, a full-scale cover-up in 1965, witnesses intimidated, and a main suspect who is still at large today.”

Regarding the new information he has uncovered, Shaw said, “Much of the evidence surfacing has come through the hundreds of emails I have received among the thousands of people who have read the book or heard me speak about my fight to get the justice Dorothy deserves in the media. I want to thank them for contacting me and hopefully others will do so in the future as I continue to investigate this true crime murder mystery.”

Shaw said he appreciates the DA’s investigation of Kilgallen’s death and was most impressed with the senior investigator assigned to the probe. “Is there another district attorney’s office in the country that would do this?” he asked. “I sincerely doubt it and I thank Cyrus Vance Jr, and his staff for their decision to go forward since without doubt, Dorothy was the victim of a crime and as such, has the right to a thorough investigation of her death, something that did not happen fifty-two years ago.”

You can learn more about Mark’s ongoing search for justice at, and more about the life of Dorothy Kilgallen at

Mark’s book is available from Amazon here, or wherever books are sold.

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